Video Creation Service

30 Motion Graphics Onboarding Video Examples That Accelerate User Adoption

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In today's digital landscape, user onboarding is a critical aspect of any successful product or service. A seamless and engaging onboarding experience can significantly impact user adoption, retention, and overall satisfaction. Motion graphics onboarding videos have emerged as a powerful tool to achieve these goals, offering a dynamic and visually appealing way to guide users through the initial stages of their journey.

The challenge lies in capturing user attention and effectively conveying complex information in a concise and engaging manner. Traditional onboarding methods, such as lengthy text tutorials or static images, often fail to resonate with modern users who crave interactive and visually stimulating experiences. For instance, imagine trying to explain the intricacies of a new software platform using only text instructions – the result is likely to be confusion and frustration.

Motion graphics onboarding videos address this challenge by combining animation, text, and audio to create a compelling narrative that guides users step-by-step. These videos can be used across various touchpoints, including websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms, to provide a consistent and engaging onboarding experience. Real-world applications include demonstrating the core features of a new mobile app, showcasing the benefits of a subscription service, or explaining the setup process for a smart home device.

The versatility of motion graphics extends beyond specific industries, making them a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Whether you're a tech startup launching a new SaaS platform or an established e-commerce brand expanding your product line, motion graphics onboarding videos can help you effectively communicate with your target audience and drive user adoption. By leveraging the power of visual storytelling, you can create an onboarding experience that is both informative and engaging, leaving a lasting impression on your users.

With the increasing demand for user-friendly and intuitive experiences, motion graphics onboarding videos have become an essential component of modern marketing strategies. By investing in high-quality onboarding videos, businesses can streamline the user journey, reduce churn rates, and ultimately achieve their growth objectives. So, let's dive in and explore 30 inspiring examples of motion graphics onboarding videos that are accelerating user adoption across various industries.

1. CombiSave

This video showcases how the british gas combisave valve can enhance the efficiency of your home by reducing energy consumption and minimizing water wastage. The video highlights the issue of wasted water while waiting for it to heat up, emphasizing the potential for saving both time and money on energy bills with the combisave solution. Motion graphics onboarding video is one of the most popular video types.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as an onboarding explainer video. The use of flat design with clean lines and vibrant colors creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation is smooth and well-paced, guiding the viewer through the key features and benefits of the combisave valve. Motion graphics are great for explainer videos.

The simple yet informative visuals, such as the bathtub filling with water and the coin representing cost savings, effectively convey the message without overwhelming the viewer with excessive detail. Motion graphics training videos are popular for internal training purposes. The clear visuals and concise messaging effectively communicate the value proposition of the combisave valve, leaving viewers with a solid understanding of how it can benefit them.

2. BM

Bankmobile disbursements offers students two electronic options for receiving their refunds. Students can choose to have their money deposited into an existing bank account or onto the bankmobile vibe checking account.

The video uses a clean and modern design style with bold colors and simple animation to explain the refund process. This makes it easy for viewers to follow along and understand the information. The use of icons and illustrations helps to break down complex concepts into smaller, more digestible pieces. For example, the video uses an icon of a bank account to represent the option of depositing funds into an existing account.

Overall, the design of this motion graphics video is effective in communicating the message about bankmobile disbursements refund options in a clear and concise way. The use of simple animation, bold colors, and icons makes it easy for viewers to understand the information and learn more about the service. This video serves as a motion graphics software demo, showcasing motion graphics motion graphics capabilities in onboarding and explaining complex processes through engaging animation.

3. Freshdesk

Freshdesk analytics empowers businesses to harness customer support data, enabling the creation of exceptional customer experiences that foster satisfaction and loyalty. the video's design style effectively showcases the product's capabilities through a clean and modern aesthetic. the use of vibrant colors and clear typography enhances readability and engagement. the video strategically incorporates data visualizations, such as bar charts and pie charts, to present complex information in a visually appealing and easily digestible manner. by leveraging these design elements, the video effectively demonstrates how freshdesk analytics provides valuable insights into helpdesk productivity, customer satisfaction, agent workload, and service efficiency.

A motion graphics onboarding video is an engaging way to introduce new users to a product or service. it can highlight key features and benefits, as well as provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the product. motion graphics can make the onboarding process more visually appealing and easier to understand.

In conclusion, the video's design style plays a pivotal role in conveying the value proposition of freshdesk analytics. the combination of a clean aesthetic, informative visuals, and concise messaging effectively highlights the product's ability to empower businesses to optimize their customer support operations and deliver exceptional customer experiences. a motion graphics app walkthrough can be an effective way to showcase the features and functionality of a mobile application. it can provide users with a clear understanding of how to use the app and its various features.

4. U.S. Bank

The U.S. Bank Business Essentials video provides a comprehensive overview of the platform's features and benefits, showcasing its ability to streamline business management tasks. The video highlights the platform's efficiency in handling accounts, sending invoices, and monitoring financial performance. This motion graphics feature explainer video is a great tool for onboarding new users.

The video's design effectively emphasizes the Business Essentials platform's user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation. The clean and minimalist aesthetic, with a focus on the platform's core functionalities, allows viewers to easily grasp the value proposition. The use of bold colors and clear typography further enhances the visual appeal and ensures that key information is easily digestible. This motion graphics video explainer does a great job of highlighting the platform's key features.

In conclusion, the U.S. Bank Business Essentials video successfully demonstrates the platform's capabilities and benefits through its well-executed design and clear messaging. The video's style effectively caters to its target audience of business owners and managers, leaving them with a solid understanding of how the platform can simplify their financial operations and improve overall efficiency. Motion graphics motion graphics capabilities are used to create a visually appealing and engaging explainer video.

5. Algolia

This concise explainer video focuses on Algolia's implementation process, which can be completed in just four simple steps. The video provides a brief overview of these steps and highlights some of the tasks involved in each stage. Algolia customers have access to Algolia Academy, a valuable resource that offers a wide range of guides and videos to support them throughout their implementation journey.

This motion graphics tech overview video's design style effectively complements its role as an explainer. The use of clean lines, minimalist aesthetics, and a muted color palette creates a visually appealing and uncluttered presentation. This allows viewers to focus on the key information being conveyed without distractions. The animation is smooth and engaging, further enhancing the viewing experience.

The video's clear and concise language ensures that the steps involved in implementing Algolia are easy to understand, even for those who may not be familiar with the platform. This motion graphics onboarding video with its combination of clear visuals, concise language, and engaging animation creates a compelling and informative viewing experience.

6. Charles Stanley

This video from the charles stanley learning centre series delves into the world of investing, specifically focusing on dividends. Erica, the host, embarks on an investment journey, educating viewers on the intricacies of dividends and how they differ from dividend yields. The video aims to equip potential investors with the knowledge and understanding of risks involved in the investment process.

The video's design style effectively complements its educational purpose. The use of a dark blue background with contrasting bright icons and text creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. Simple yet effective animations, such as the hand placing money into an investment and the subsequent growth of the investment into a stack of banknotes, visually reinforce the concepts of investing and dividends. The clear and concise text explanations further enhance the viewers understanding of these financial concepts.

By combining informative content with a visually engaging design, the video successfully demystifies the concept of dividends and encourages viewers to embark on their own investment journeys. This video could be used as a motion graphics software demo or as part of a motion graphics onboarding video. The charles stanley learning centre series effectively utilizes design elements to create an educational and informative experience for viewers interested in the world of investing.

7. UN

The video produced by partners of the UN Environment-led Global Initiative for Resource Efficient Cities, explains the concept of 'urban metabolism' and how it can be useful to local government. Urban metabolism studies help cities and city regions assess current resource use and identify pathways for improvement. The same principles are outlined in the 2013 International Resource Panel report on city level decoupling.

This motion graphics onboarding explainer video uses a flat design style with simple shapes and bright colors. This makes the information easy to understand and follow. The use of animation helps to bring the concepts to life and make them more engaging. The explainer video also uses data visualization to help viewers understand the scale of the problem and the potential for improvement.

For example, one scene shows a pie chart of the Earth with a large portion highlighted to represent the amount of resources that are consumed by cities. Another scene shows a balance scale with two globes on either side, one representing a city with a high level of resource consumption and the other representing a city with a low level of resource consumption. This motion graphics tech overview video is a good example of how animation can be used to make complex topics more understandable.

8. Hotjar

The video focuses on capturing data from all users to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. It emphasizes the importance of 100% traffic coverage for accurate heatmaps and eliminating guesswork. The video aims to promote Hotjar's session capture feature, which allows businesses to understand user behavior comprehensively. this is a perfect example of motion graphics tech overview video as it explains the technology behind the product.

The design style effectively complements the video's message by employing clean visuals, minimalist elements, and a focus on data visualization. The use of arrows to direct attention, charts to represent data, and clear typography enhances the clarity of the information presented. The color palette is consistent and visually appealing, creating a cohesive and engaging experience for the viewer. motion graphics onboarding animation video is also a great way to engage new users.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully supports its objective of promoting Hotjar's session capture feature. The visuals are clear, concise, and informative, effectively conveying the value proposition of capturing all user sessions for comprehensive data analysis. The design elements work harmoniously to create a visually appealing and engaging experience that reinforces the message and encourages viewers to explore Hotjar's solution. motion graphics animation video can be used for various purposes.

9. Accenture

Accenture's video effectively explains predictive analytics, a practice using historical data and predictive algorithms to forecast future outcomes and assess event probabilities. It explores artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications across various industries.

The video's design style complements its subject matter. Isometric illustrations create depth and dimension, simplifying complex concepts. Vibrant colors and clean lines enhance visual appeal, while subtle animations maintain engagement. Each scene represents different aspects of predictive analytics, like data analysis, trend identification, and forecasting. This video serves as a motion graphics onboarding overview for predictive analytics.

The video's design blends form and function, effectively conveying the message of predictive analytics while engaging viewers with appealing aesthetics. Isometric illustrations, vibrant colors, and subtle animations create a dynamic, informative experience. This motion graphics onboarding guide leaves a lasting impression on viewers about predictive analytics.

10. Aircove

The expressvpn aircove vpn router video showcases the innovative features of this device, designed to provide comprehensive vpn protection for all your connected devices, including smart home appliances that typically cannot run vpn software. The video highlights aircove's ability to safeguard your entire network, from smart tvs to voice assistants, ensuring online privacy and security. This video acts as a motion graphics onboarding demonstration, effectively communicating the product's value proposition through clear visuals and concise messaging.

The video's design style effectively emphasizes the product's key benefits and functionalities. The use of clean and modern graphics, combined with a vibrant color palette, creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation seamlessly transitions between scenes, showcasing the router's features and user interface in a clear and concise manner. This motion graphics explainer video is designed to be informative and persuasive for viewers.

The video's pacing is well-balanced, allowing viewers to absorb information without feeling overwhelmed. In conclusion, the expressvpn aircove vpn router video successfully employs a compelling design style to effectively communicate the product's value proposition. The video's clear visuals, concise messaging, and engaging animation work together to create an informative and persuasive experience for viewers. This usability-focused tutorial video provides an onboarding explainer experience for new users.

11. Achievers

The achievers employee experience platform is a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance employee engagement and foster a sense of belonging within organizations. The platform leverages ai-driven content and personalized, mobile-first experiences to encourage active participation and alignment with core company values. Motion graphics are an integral part of the platform's design, adding visual interest and enhancing the user experience.

The video effectively showcases the platform's features through a clean and modern design aesthetic. The use of vibrant colors, fluid animations, and concise messaging creates a visually appealing and informative experience. By incorporating subtle micro-interactions and intuitive transitions, the video seamlessly guides viewers through the platform's functionalities, highlighting its user-friendly interface and intuitive design. A motion graphics user adoption guide would be an invaluable resource for new users, providing step-by-step instructions and visual demonstrations of the platform's key features.

Overall, the video's design style effectively complements the achievers employee experience platform's value proposition. The combination of engaging visuals, clear messaging, and a focus on user experience creates a compelling narrative that resonates with potential customers. A motion graphics software tutorial could delve deeper into the technical aspects of creating such high-quality animations, offering insights and techniques for aspiring motion graphics artists.

12. Citrix

This video showcases how Fortinet secures the entire infrastructure with integrated solutions and AI-powered security services across endpoints, access points, networks, applications, data centers, and clouds. Fortinet provides security solutions for all types of industries and businesses.

The video uses a combination of 2D animation, motion graphics, and text to explain complex security concepts in a simple and engaging way. The use of bright colors, bold shapes, and clean lines creates a modern and professional look. This video is a great example of motion graphics training as it uses animation and motion graphics to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand.

The animation is smooth and fluid, and the transitions between scenes are seamless. The text is easy to read and understand, and it is used sparingly to avoid overwhelming the viewer. This video could also be used for onboarding as it is informative, engaging, and visually appealing. The video is also well-paced and keeps the viewer's attention throughout.

13. Planning in a Box

This motion graphics overview explainer video showcases a saas solution for supply chain collaborative planning, emphasizing exception-based management using big data and iot device feeds. It addresses challenges in supply chain management by offering a connected platform for real-time visibility and issue resolution.

The design style effectively complements the video's purpose as an explainer. The use of vibrant colors and clean lines creates a visually engaging experience, while the simple yet informative illustrations clearly convey the key features and benefits of the planning in a box solution. The animation seamlessly guides viewers through the platform's functionalities, highlighting its ability to track inventory, resolve exceptions, and provide actionable insights.

By combining a clear and concise narrative with visually appealing design elements, the motion graphics onboarding explainer video effectively captures the essence of planning in a box as a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for modern supply chain challenges. The animation style enhances the message by providing a dynamic and engaging representation of the platform's capabilities, making it an excellent tool for both product demonstration and explanation.

14. EU tax and customs

The video aims to raise awareness about VAT carousel fraud, a scheme that exploits the VAT system to steal tax revenue. This illegal activity can have severe consequences, potentially funding criminal and terrorist organizations. The European Commission is actively working to combat this issue and encourages viewers to join the effort to #StopTheCarousel.

This motion graphics feature explainer effectively employs a flat design style with simple shapes, bold colors, and minimal textures. This approach ensures clarity and avoids distractions, allowing viewers to focus on the core message. The use of a continuous landscape throughout the video creates a cohesive visual narrative, guiding the audience through the different stages of VAT carousel fraud. Clear and concise text complements the visuals, reinforcing key points and explaining the scheme's mechanics.

By combining engaging visuals with informative content, the video successfully educates viewers about the dangers of VAT carousel fraud and encourages them to support the European Commission's efforts to combat this issue. The animation's style and design choices effectively convey the message, making it a valuable tool for raising awareness and promoting action against this harmful criminal activity. This motion graphics how to video is a great onboarding tool.

15. CyberArk

The video showcases the integration of CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager and ServiceNow IT Service Management, demonstrating how this collaboration enhances security measures and operational efficiency in managing privileged access. The video aims to educate viewers on streamlining and automating end-user privilege elevation requests using existing ServiceNow workflows. This video is a great example of motion graphics onboarding overview as it explains the value proposition of the product integration.

The design style effectively employs clean lines, minimalist icons, and a cohesive color palette to convey complex information clearly and concisely. The use of subtle animations and transitions guides the viewer's attention, ensuring a smooth and engaging experience. The visual elements, such as shields, locks, and user icons, intuitively represent security and access management concepts, reinforcing the video's message. This motion graphics video is a great example of motion graphics app onboarding as it clearly explains how to use the product.

The consistent branding and clear typography further enhance the professional and informative nature of the video. By combining informative visuals with a clear and concise narrative, the video successfully highlights the benefits of integrating CyberArk and ServiceNow for enhanced privileged access management. The design style effectively supports the video's objective, making it an excellent onboarding video for both technical and non-technical audiences.

16. Coinbase

This video explains how compound finance allows users to earn interest or borrow against their crypto assets. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the platform, highlighting its key features and benefits. Viewers can learn how to earn comp tokens by participating in the compound protocol.

This motion graphics onboarding walkthrough uses a modern and minimalist design style, using flat illustrations and simple animations to explain complex financial concepts in an engaging and easy-to-understand way. The use of bright colors and bold typography helps to draw attention to key information, while the clean layout ensures that the content is easy to follow. The video also incorporates subtle motion graphics to keep viewers engaged and to illustrate the flow of funds within the compound protocol.

Overall, the video's design style effectively complements its educational content, making it an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about compound finance and decentralized finance (defi). The combination of clear explanations, engaging visuals, and a user-friendly interface makes this online motion graphics tutorial a valuable tool for both novice and experienced crypto users.

17. QuickML

Catalyst quickml is a no-code ml platform that streamlines, optimizes, and accelerates your entire ml workflow. With quickml, you can become an ml expert even without any data science or programming knowledge. Quickml revolutionizes your ml approach with its no-code ml model building, simple drag-and-drop ui, and easy integration into your existing systems or workflows.

The video effectively showcases quickml's capabilities through a clean and minimalist design style. The use of a white background with simple shapes and icons helps to focus the viewer's attention on the key features of the platform. The animation is smooth and engaging, and the use of text overlays helps to explain the different concepts in a clear and concise way. The video also does a great job of highlighting the benefits of using quickml, such as the ability to experiment with different ml operations and monitor models after they have been deployed.

Overall, the video is an excellent example of how to use design to create a compelling and informative motion graphics onboarding demonstration. The clean and minimalist style helps to keep the viewer focused on the key message, and the use of animation and text overlays makes the video engaging and easy to understand. This motion graphics onboarding guide is a great way to introduce new users to the platform.

18. 360Learning

The video highlights the challenges faced by l&d managers in delivering effective compliance training that goes beyond mere box-checking and addresses non-compliant behavior, ultimately impacting a company's reputation.

The design style effectively employs emojis and vibrant colors to convey the message in a visually engaging manner. The use of emojis adds a touch of informality and relatability, making the topic of compliance training less daunting. The clean and modern aesthetic, with its emphasis on bold typography and clear visuals, ensures that the information is easily digestible and memorable. The video's pacing and transitions maintain a dynamic flow, keeping viewers engaged throughout.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements the message by creating a visually appealing and informative experience. The use of emojis, color, and typography effectively highlights the challenges of compliance training and presents 360learning's solution as an engaging and effective alternative. this motion graphics video serves as a motion graphics user guide for creating engaging onboarding content. motion graphics are particularly effective for onboarding as they can simplify complex information and make it more visually appealing.

19. Velo

Velo protocol is a blockchain-based financial protocol that enables digital credit issuance and borderless asset transfer for businesses using a smart contract system.

The video utilizes a minimalist and modern design style, which effectively conveys the complex concepts of blockchain technology and financial protocols in a clear and engaging manner. The use of simple shapes, flat colors, and clean lines creates a visually appealing aesthetic that is both professional and approachable. The animation is smooth and fluid, guiding the viewer through the various features and benefits of the Velo protocol.

Overall, the video's design style is well-suited for an explainer video, as it effectively communicates the value proposition of the Velo protocol in a visually engaging and easy-to-understand way. The minimalist approach allows the focus to remain on the key features and benefits of the protocol, while the use of animation helps to bring the concepts to life. This video serves as both a motion graphics onboarding overview and a motion graphics app walkthrough, effectively showcasing the Velo protocol's capabilities.

20. Elaad

This motion graphics onboarding video focuses on the significance of seamless electric vehicle (EV) charging experiences, emphasizing the concept of interoperability. It highlights the growing diversity of electric vehicles, encompassing cars, delivery vans, trucks, and even airplanes, alongside the expanding charging infrastructure with varying shapes, sizes, and speeds. The central question revolves around ensuring compatibility and accessibility for all these EVs across different charging stations.

The video's design style effectively conveys the message of interoperability and hassle-free EV charging. The use of vibrant colors, such as purple and teal, creates a visually engaging experience. Simple yet impactful animations, like the arrows connecting the EV to the charging station, clearly illustrate the concept of seamless connectivity. Bold typography for keywords like interoperability and testing further emphasizes the key themes. The minimalist backgrounds ensure that the focus remains on the message and the visuals related to EV charging.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its message by employing clear visuals, concise text, and a vibrant color palette. This approach effectively educates viewers about the importance of interoperability in EV charging, ensuring a smooth and convenient experience for EV owners regardless of their vehicle or charging station brand.

21. 1Password

Onepassword business customers can connect onepassword to leading identity providers, siem tools, two-factor authentication solutions, and developer tools to fill the gaps in their sign-on security model.
Onepassword business integrations give it the visibility they need to secure every sign-in at any scale.
The video uses a clean and minimalist design style, with a focus on the onepassword logo and its integration partners. the use of simple shapes and a limited color palette helps to keep the viewer's attention focused on the key message. the animation is smooth and fluid, and the transitions between scenes are seamless. this creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer.

The video's design style is effective in highlighting the product's key features and benefits. the use of animation and visual effects helps to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. the video also does a good job of creating a sense of urgency and excitement around the product. overall, the video is a well-executed example of a usability-focused tutorial video.

This motion graphics onboarding overview video uses a clean and minimalist design style, with a focus on the onepassword logo and its integration partners. the use of simple shapes and a limited color palette helps to keep the viewer's attention focused on the key message. the animation is smooth and fluid, and the transitions between scenes are seamless. this creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer.

22. Atlassian

This video provides a comprehensive overview of confluence cloud, specifically tailored for users transitioning from confluence data center or server. The video delves into the latest features exclusive to cloud, demonstrating how they can enhance productivity and aesthetics within the confluence cloud environment. This motion graphics onboarding walkthrough explainer video is a great onboarding resource.

The design style employed in the video is characterized by its clean and minimalist aesthetic. The use of a light color palette, simple icons, and uncluttered interface effectively directs the viewer's attention to the key features and functionalities of confluence cloud. Screen recordings and subtle animations seamlessly guide the viewer through the platform, showcasing its intuitive nature and user-friendly interface. This motion graphics explainer video is great for onboarding new users.

The video's pacing is well-balanced, allowing viewers to absorb information without feeling overwhelmed. In conclusion, the video's design style effectively complements its informative content, creating an engaging and visually appealing experience for viewers seeking to understand the benefits and functionalities of confluence cloud. The combination of clear visuals, concise explanations, and a focus on user experience makes this motion graphics app onboarding video an excellent resource for anyone considering a migration to confluence cloud.

23. Smartsheet

Smartsheet is a work management platform that enables teams and organizations to manage projects, automate workflows, and build solutions with no-code tools. The platform integrates with existing tech ecosystems and scales to meet the demands of businesses of all sizes.

The motion graphics onboarding video effectively showcases Smartsheet's capabilities through its clean and modern design style. The use of bold colors and simple shapes helps to highlight the platform's key features, such as its project management tools, automation capabilities, and no-code solutions. The onboarding video also does a great job of demonstrating how Smartsheet can be used to improve team collaboration and productivity.

Overall, the motion graphics onboarding demonstration is an excellent example of how to use design to create a compelling and informative animation. The clean and modern style, combined with the use of bold colors and simple shapes, helps to effectively communicate the value proposition of Smartsheet. The video is also well-paced and engaging, making it easy for viewers to understand the platform's capabilities.

24. PwC

Pwc's digital operations maturity assessment is a service that helps businesses evaluate their digital operations and identify opportunities for improvement. The assessment considers various factors, such as productivity, cost reduction, quality enhancement, and growth potential. By leveraging this assessment, companies can gain valuable insights into their digital maturity and develop strategies to optimize their operations for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

The video effectively employs a clean and modern design style that aligns perfectly with the professional image of pwc. The use of bold colors, simple shapes, and clear typography enhances the readability and visual appeal of the content. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding viewers through the key concepts of digital operations maturity and the benefits of pwc's assessment service. The visuals effectively complement the narration, creating a cohesive and informative experience for the audience. This motion graphics video also acts as a usability-focused tutorial for onboarding of new employees.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully conveys the value proposition of pwc's digital operations maturity assessment. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and professional aesthetics effectively engages viewers and encourages them to explore the potential of this service for enhancing their digital operations. Motion graphics capabilities are leveraged to create a visually appealing and informative video that effectively communicates the value proposition of pwc's digital operations maturity assessment.

25. Orange

The video focuses on the crucial role of cybersecurity in safeguarding businesses from cyberattacks that can cripple their operations and services. It emphasizes the significance of analyzing security incidents to identify and mitigate potential threats effectively. This motion graphics onboarding explainer video is a great way to educate viewers on the importance of cybersecurity.

The video employs a minimalist and visually engaging design style to convey its message. The use of bold colors, simple shapes, and clear typography enhances readability and comprehension. Animation is strategically used to guide the viewer's attention and illustrate key concepts, such as the collection of security incident data and the analysis process. This motion graphics onboarding animation video is a great way to explain complex concepts in a simple and engaging way.

Visual metaphors, like the magnifying glass examining threats, effectively represent complex ideas in an easily understandable manner. By combining informative content with a visually appealing design, the video effectively captures the viewer's attention and delivers a clear message about the importance of cybersecurity solutions. The minimalist approach ensures that the focus remains on the core message, while the use of animation and visual metaphors enhances engagement and understanding. Orange Cyberdefense's video successfully demonstrates how design can be leveraged to create impactful explainer videos that resonate with the target audience.

26. Comarch

This motion graphics tech overview video showcases the transformative impact of 5G on the telecommunications industry, particularly in shifting the focus from B2C to B2B models. With substantial investments in 5G networks, telecom operators are now providing innovative services to enterprise customers. These businesses, in turn, rely on telcos to leverage the emerging use cases associated with 5G and the internet of things (IoT).

The video's design style effectively complements its role as an explainer. The use of vibrant colors and clean lines creates a visually appealing aesthetic, while the minimalist approach ensures that the focus remains on the core message the potential of 5G and IoT for businesses. The animation seamlessly guides viewers through complex concepts, such as non-stand alone (NSA) architecture and the interplay between 4G, 5G, LTE, and NR, making them easily understandable.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully balances aesthetics with functionality, making it an excellent tool for explaining the intricacies of 5G and its implications for the B2B sector. The clear visuals and concise messaging effectively convey the value proposition of 5G and IoT solutions for businesses, encouraging further exploration and adoption.

27. Cegid

This video showcases the comprehensive support Cegid offers its Retail customers, empowering them to enhance their skills and maximize their software utilization. The video cleverly employs a minimalist and engaging design style to highlight the key aspects of Cegid's retail solutions. The use of bold colors, particularly blue, creates a visually appealing contrast, effectively drawing attention to the core message of support and tutorials. Simple yet effective animations, such as the question mark and the animated hand gestures, further enhance the viewer's engagement and understanding of the software's benefits.

By combining clear messaging with visually appealing design elements, the Motion Graphics Feature explainer video effectively communicates the value proposition of Cegid's retail solutions, emphasizing their commitment to customer success through comprehensive support and readily available resources. This motion graphics video cleverly uses animation to simplify complex concepts, making it easier for viewers to grasp the functionality and benefits of the software. The video's engaging style not only informs but also leaves a lasting impression, reinforcing Cegid's dedication to providing exceptional customer experiences.

This Motion Graphics Onboarding Demonstration video provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the software's features and functionalities, guiding new users through the initial setup and familiarization process. The motion graphics video uses clear and concise language, ensuring that viewers can easily follow along and understand the key aspects of the software. By providing a comprehensive onboarding experience, Cegid empowers its retail customers to quickly adopt and utilize the software, maximizing their return on investment and streamlining their operations.

28. Atlas Copco

This video showcases the PF6 FlexSystem, a compact controller system designed for fixturing applications. The system shares features with the Power Focus 6000 and operates on ToolsTalk 2 software.

The design style of the explainer video effectively highlights the product's key features. The use of 3D animation provides a clear and detailed view of the PF6 FlexSystem, allowing viewers to understand its functionality and design. The clean and minimalist aesthetic emphasizes the system's compactness and efficiency, while the strategic use of color draws attention to important components like the robotic arm, Power MACS, and multi-fixtured spindles.

Overall, the video's design effectively communicates the value proposition of the PF6 FlexSystem as a solution for fixturing applications. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and a focus on key features makes it an excellent Motion Graphics Onboarding Walkthrough video. This Motion Graphics User Adoption Guide video is a great onboarding tool.

29. American Express

The video focuses on the challenges customers face with inconsistent checkout experiences and how Click to Pay with American Express offers a solution. It emphasizes the importance of payment choice, convenience, and security in reducing cart abandonment and improving the overall online shopping experience. This video is a great example of motion graphics onboarding animation.

The video's design style effectively conveys the message of simplicity and ease of use. The clean lines, minimalist aesthetic, and use of geometric shapes create a sense of order and efficiency. The color palette is also carefully chosen, with calming blues and contrasting reds to draw attention to key elements. The animation is smooth and engaging, with subtle transitions that guide the viewer through the checkout process. The use of icons and text overlays further reinforces the message, making it easy for viewers to understand the benefits of Click to Pay.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually appealing design, the video effectively demonstrates the value proposition of Click to Pay with American Express. The focus on customer pain points and the solution offered by the product creates a compelling narrative that resonates with viewers. The video's design style reinforces this message, making it an excellent example of a motion graphics training video.


Guesty's property management software helps property managers and management companies simplify the complex operational needs of short-term rentals. The video demonstrates how Guesty streamlines management and optimizes occupancy for rental properties. This motion graphics overview explainer video utilizes a clean and modern design style with flat illustrations and bold colors to effectively communicate the value proposition of Guesty's multi-unit listing feature. The use of simple shapes and icons helps viewers easily understand the concept of grouping similar listings together. The video showcases a user-friendly interface, making it easy for viewers to visualize how Guesty can simplify their property management tasks.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the motion graphics video effectively highlights the benefits of using Guesty for managing multiple rental properties. The video's design style is well-suited for onboarding new users, as it effectively captures attention, conveys information clearly, and leaves a lasting impression on viewers. This motion graphics video is a great way to introduce new users to the platform and its features.

The motion graphics app walkthrough video is designed to help users get the most out of Guesty. The video walks users through the various features of the app, showing them how to use Guesty to manage their properties effectively. The video is easy to follow and understand, making it a valuable resource for both new and experienced Guesty users.

Key Takeaways

What is a Motion Graphics Onboarding Video?

Motion Graphics Onboarding Video is a type of video used to educate viewers. These videos are engaging, informative and are great for boosting employee engagement. They are commonly used to introduce new hires to a company.

  • It helps new employees:
    • Understand the company culture.
    • Learn about the company's products or services.
    • Get acquainted with the company's policies and procedures.

    For example, a leading software company created a motion graphics onboarding video that showcased their company culture, values, and work-life balance. This resulted in a 20% increase in new hire engagement and a 10% reduction in employee turnover within the first year.

    Creating a Motion Graphics Onboarding Video: Where to Start?

    Creating a motion graphics onboarding video starts with defining your target audience and setting clear objectives. Identify the key messages you want to convey and the overall tone and style that aligns with your brand.

    • Define your target audience: Who are the new hires you are creating this video for?
    • Determine your objectives: What do you want new hires to learn or do after watching the video?
    • Develop a clear message: What are the most important things new hires need to know about your company?
    • Choose a style that aligns with your brand: What kind of tone and style will resonate with your target audience?

    For example, a fast-growing tech startup decided to create a motion graphics onboarding video to explain their complex product in a simple and engaging way. By focusing on clear messaging and incorporating their brand's playful personality, they were able to increase new hire product knowledge by 15%.

    Motion Graphics Onboarding Video Ingredients

    The essential ingredients of a motion graphics onboarding video include a compelling narrative, visually appealing graphics, and clear and concise messaging. Background music and sound effects can further enhance engagement and information retention.

    • A strong narrative: A captivating story that keeps viewers engaged from beginning to end.
    • Visually appealing graphics: Eye-catching visuals that bring your message to life.
    • Clear and concise messaging: Easy-to-understand language that effectively communicates key information.
    • Engaging music and sound effects: Audio elements that enhance the viewing experience and reinforce key points.

    For example, a healthcare company revamped their onboarding process with a motion graphics video that simplified complex medical procedures. The use of clear visuals and a friendly voiceover resulted in a 15% increase in new nurses' confidence levels during their initial training period.

    Motion Graphics Onboarding Video - Goals and Objectives

    The primary goals and objectives of a motion graphics onboarding video are to welcome new employees, provide essential information, and create a positive first impression. It should aim to acclimate new hires to the company culture and set them up for success.

    • Welcome new employees: Make them feel valued and excited to be part of the team.
    • Provide essential information: Clearly communicate company policies, procedures, and expectations.
    • Create a positive first impression: Showcase your company culture and values in an engaging way.
    • Set clear expectations: Outline job responsibilities and performance standards.

    For example, a customer service company wanted to improve its employee retention rate. They introduced a motion graphics onboarding video that highlighted employee success stories and career growth opportunities. This resulted in a 10% increase in employee retention within the first year of implementation.

    Selecting a Style for Your Motion Graphics Onboarding Video

    When selecting a style for your motion graphics onboarding video, consider your target audience, brand identity, and the message you want to convey. Options include a fun and quirky style, a professional and corporate approach, or a modern and minimalist aesthetic.

    • Fun and quirky: Ideal for companies with a playful brand personality, targeting a younger audience.
    • Professional and corporate: Suitable for businesses in traditional industries, emphasizing stability and trust.
    • Modern and minimalist: A good choice for tech companies or startups, conveying innovation and a forward-thinking approach.
    • Infographic-driven: Effective for presenting data, statistics, and complex information in an easy-to-understand manner.

    For example, a financial services firm wanted to attract top talent and modernize their image. They opted for a sleek and modern motion graphics onboarding video that showcased their innovative technology and commitment to employee growth. This resulted in a 20% increase in applications from their target demographic.

    Storytelling in a Motion Graphics Onboarding Video

    Storytelling is crucial in a motion graphics onboarding video to create an emotional connection with new hires. Use relatable characters, a clear narrative arc, and a compelling call to action to make the information memorable and impactful.

    • Use relatable characters: Create characters that new hires can identify with and feel connected to.
    • Develop a clear narrative arc: Structure your video with a beginning, middle, and end to keep viewers engaged.
    • Incorporate a compelling call to action: Encourage new hires to take specific actions after watching the video.
    • Evoke emotions: Use storytelling techniques to create a sense of excitement, belonging, or inspiration.

    For example, a non-profit organization wanted to inspire their new volunteers and showcase the impact of their work. They created a motion graphics onboarding video that shared real stories of people whose lives were positively affected by their organization. This resulted in a 15% increase in volunteer retention rates.

    Best Practices for Motion Graphics Onboarding Video

    Best practices for motion graphics onboarding videos include keeping it concise, using high-quality visuals and audio, incorporating accessibility features, and measuring its impact through analytics.

    • Keep it concise: Aim for a video length that holds attention without overwhelming new hires.
    • Use high-quality visuals and audio: Ensure professional-looking graphics, clear audio, and appropriate background music.
    • Incorporate accessibility features: Add subtitles, captions, and transcripts to make your video accessible to everyone.
    • Measure your impact: Track metrics like watch time, engagement, and feedback to assess the effectiveness of your video.

    For example, a global retail chain wanted to streamline their onboarding process across multiple languages. They created a motion graphics onboarding video with subtitles in various languages, resulting in a 10% reduction in onboarding time and improved employee satisfaction.

    What Makes a Motion Graphics Onboarding Video Effective?

    An effective motion graphics onboarding video is engaging, informative, and memorable. It should leave a lasting impression on new hires, fostering a sense of excitement and belonging within the company.

    • Engaging visuals: Captivating animations and graphics that hold the viewer's attention.
    • Clear and concise messaging: Information presented in a digestible and easy-to-understand manner.
    • A strong call to action: Encouraging new hires to take the next step in their onboarding journey.
    • Alignment with company culture: Reflecting the company's values, mission, and overall brand identity.

    For example, a manufacturing company wanted to improve safety awareness among its new hires. They created a motion graphics onboarding video that used engaging visuals and clear messaging to highlight important safety protocols. This resulted in a 10% reduction in workplace accidents within the first quarter of implementation.

    Connecting Your Brand and Motion Graphics Onboarding Video

    Connect your brand and motion graphics onboarding video by incorporating brand elements like logos, colors, and typography. Ensure the video's tone and messaging align with your brand's voice and values.

    • Use consistent branding: Incorporate your company logo, color palette, and typography throughout the video.
    • Align with brand voice and tone: Ensure the video's messaging and style are consistent with your brand's overall communication style.
    • Showcase your company culture: Use the video as an opportunity to highlight your company's values, mission, and work environment.
    • Reinforce brand messaging: Use the video to reiterate key brand messages and value propositions.

    For example, a design agency wanted to attract creative talent and showcase their unique company culture. They created a motion graphics onboarding video that incorporated their bold branding, showcased their award-winning work, and highlighted their collaborative work environment. This resulted in a 15% increase in applications from highly qualified designers.


    Mastering user onboarding with motion graphics

    The digital landscape thrives on user engagement, and motion graphics have emerged as a powerful tool to captivate audiences and accelerate user adoption. From simplifying complex concepts to creating memorable brand experiences, motion graphics offer a dynamic approach to user onboarding that transcends static visuals and text-heavy tutorials. Let's explore the best approaches to harness the potential of motion graphics and elevate your user onboarding strategies.


    Modern users, often overwhelmed with information overload, seek intuitive and engaging experiences. Traditional onboarding methods, relying on lengthy manuals or static tutorials, often fail to capture attention and effectively convey essential information. Motion graphics address this challenge by presenting information in a visually appealing and easily digestible format, fostering user understanding and encouraging active participation.


    Motion graphics excel at simplifying complex processes and concepts. By leveraging animation, visual metaphors, and concise storytelling, they break down intricate workflows into easily understandable steps. This clarity is crucial for user onboarding, ensuring that users grasp key functionalities and navigate the platform with confidence.


    Captivating visuals and dynamic storytelling inherent to motion graphics enhance user engagement. Animated characters, vibrant colors, and compelling narratives create an immersive experience that resonates with users, fostering a sense of connection and encouraging them to explore further.


    Motion graphics provide a unique opportunity to reinforce brand identity and values. By incorporating brand elements, such as logos, color palettes, and typography, into onboarding videos, companies can create a cohesive brand experience that fosters recognition and builds trust with users.


    Motion graphics offer remarkable versatility, adapting to various platforms and devices. Whether integrated into mobile apps, websites, or social media campaigns, these videos seamlessly deliver consistent messaging and enhance user experience across different touchpoints.


    The power of storytelling lies at the heart of effective motion graphics. By weaving narratives that resonate with users' needs and aspirations, onboarding videos create an emotional connection, making the learning process more engaging and memorable.


    Motion graphics align perfectly with the principles of microlearning, delivering bite-sized information that is easy to consume and retain. This approach caters to the modern learner's preference for short, focused content, ensuring that users absorb essential knowledge without feeling overwhelmed.


    Motion graphics can be designed with accessibility in mind, incorporating features such as closed captions, audio descriptions, and transcripts to ensure inclusivity and cater to diverse user needs.


    The impact of motion graphics on user onboarding can be measured through analytics, providing valuable insights into user engagement, completion rates, and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach allows for continuous optimization and refinement of onboarding strategies.


    As technology advances and user expectations evolve, motion graphics will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of user onboarding. By embracing innovation and exploring new creative possibilities, businesses can leverage the power of motion graphics to create exceptional user experiences that drive adoption, engagement, and ultimately, success.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!